Credit Card Fraud !!

By Ando Gomez

In this day an age everyone has been a true victim of Credit Card Fraud or someone took their information. Well it happens to everyone including myself. Yes the Sleevie G found he had CC fraud charges and let me know tell you something, I felt violated when this happened to me.

Things You should take into consideration which now I have, is changing your passwords, it could be Amazon, Facebook, instagram, and even eBay. There are hackers and scammers that will find a way to make you trust them and make you feel like they are helping you it’s all a lie. Including if they are from another country, I am not singling out of anyone but lately these scammers are not even in the United States, they come from very poor countries.

Another thing is check your credit cards, check your bank statement maybe sometimes you don’t realize you have been charged for something that you never paid for, as kids you don’t realize about this, but as adults when it happens to you, like I said I felt someone punched me and the face and took my kids money, but again I was lucky and I will was able to stop it. So I guess the message is be careful everyone this could happen to you anytime or any day, I said it will never happen to me and it did it.